Through a comparative analysis of the characteristics of jurisdiction and administration, the paper argues that either from the aspect of the theory of law or from the practice of investigation, the rights of investigation has the dual nature of jurisdiction and administration. 文章通过对司法权和行政权特点的比较分析,认为无论是从法理的角度出发,还是从侦查实践的角度考察,侦查权应当具有行政权和司法权的双重属性。
The operation of the system of "dian" takes the form of a dual structure: the folk customs and governmental written law are compatible. They are independent form each other and contradictory at the same time, resulting in a pluralistic jurisdiction in fact. 典制的实际运行呈现出典型的二元结构:民间习惯法和官府的成文法并行不悖,既相互独立,又相互对抗,形成事实上的多元管辖权。